RJS Episode w/o Silence

Last night I had an episode
True story
Trying to get into the Silence
Suddenly thought-particles started racing
Through my mind – such as it was.
Fifty percent negative
Fifty percent pure nonsense
A cacophony of noise
Screeching and racing!
Tried to silence it. Couldn’t.
Slowed it down long enough to
Enumerate a whole bunch of
Not-quite-right things happening
In my outer life.
Love gestures irreparably miss-taken,
Uncoverings should’ve stayed covered,
Noise! Noise! Noise!
How can I make it Shut Up??
Friends are drifting. Me too. But why?
I half expected to see the red-suited guy.
Louder now … and faster too …
Gonna crash methinks.
What in the world . . . .
AHA !! In the world you say?
Well guess what? I quit. I’m done.
It’s finished.
Coz I just looked down and saw

CC: Beautiful
RJS: Thanks i needed that…

Steve Farrar: Very insightful, Robin, thanks for sharing. This is the human experience. “Sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Where does such cognitive noise come from? It is in letting this stream of meaninglessness push past and through us without engaging it that we find freedom, I believe.

RJS: Generally speaking Steve I’d agree with you. I kinda knew all along that I could dismiss it with a good swift dose of psychology. But I’m in it for the long haul and an entirely different part of me was still fighting Chuck’s recent pearls of wisdom. There were some right answers to be gleaned for me if I hung in there without analyzing anything. Quite honestly the severity was not really exaggerated above as my ‘outer’ life can attest. The Sudden Total Disappearance of … everything … indicated TO ME that something supernatural had happened. From a Deafening Silence to magnificent light.

Steve: Awesome

RJS: Steve Farrar …. but now just maybe I’ll be able to do a better job at letting unwanted thoughts pass on by as you suggested!