Number 1 Stream of consciousness healing

Knowing that Spirit, God, is all, I look around and realize that’s not true and that’s not real and this is not any part of reality and then I start to see what really is going on and it’s so unbelievably beautiful and perfect that I can hardly keep my eyes open but Hey that’s OK ’cause I don’t have a human body with human eyes anyway. I am fully Spirit and everything I see is Spirit as well. If you were to ask me whether I can see beyond this room that I’m in I would say What room?? Is it well with my body? What body? And how about my friends’ and families’ bodies and rooms? What friends and families? Jesus walked right through the midst of the angry crowds time and time again, knowing full well that there really wasn’t any angry crowd or any crowd at all! He saw spiritual reality right there wherever he was and right wherever anyone at any distance was!
It’s time for you and me to Wake Up And Stay Awake!!! Don’t talk about pain and sorrow and suffering and bring all of that into a state that seems like it’s real when if you just see the spiritual reality you, your friends, your family, your everything will be healed of those false beliefs that bedevil you all the time!!! Don’t go back! There is no place to go back to! Perfection is here now and you don’t need to suffer and suffer and suffer and bring everybody down around you! Pull everybody up and stay up! What about a major catastrophic threat? Will you focus on spiritual reality then? Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing to be proactive and be the observer of the glory that is right here and right there instead of the screaming mortal mind ? Right now you get to choose but you can certainly imagine a situation where it may just seem to be a little bit too late to choose… I’m just saying choose aright and rejoice right now. Tell the truth that you are perfect! Let your body go – you have none ! Be free right now! Not for a moment or a few hours or a few days – be absolutely free right now because that is exactly what you are and it’s only world mind hypnotism that is convincing you otherwise . To say all you have to do is wake up sounds a little counter-intuitive if people are so hell-bent on going right smack back into the dream again! Why do you listen to anything that is unlike Spirit, God, reality?? Don’t listen to it, don’t take it in!!! Don’t ask the same questions all the time: “what about this pain? what about that threat? what about what so-and-so said or what so-and-so is doing? Get the hell out of the 3rd dimension and stay in Spirit where you belong! This diatribe is being dictated to my recorder with the hope of benefiting every single person who takes the time to plow through it and everyone around them, in their mental purview whom their thoughts fall upon. They can all receive such a spiritual impulse when they finally say I am fed up with all the nonsense! No I am not looking around to see how the body is doing or how another person’s body is doing I am seeing perfection right here right now permanently!!!

Stream of Consciousness Healing