Don’t let your present ‘knowledge’ deprive you of greater learning.

There is an urgent need in “Christianity” to look for, seek out and find the good in our fellow believers’ teaching – EVEN WHEN WE DISAGREE with some significant doctrinal point. Of course we must exercise the greatest due diligence with our discernment.

My own spiritual climb has received a huge impetus of late from Kathryn Kuhlman and yet I do not subscribe to the doctrine of Dispensationalism – not at all. Kathryn Kuhlman has a singular message – and once one gets it, he can go home, so to speak. It’s simply this: want nothing … absolutely nothing … but the Holy Spirit. That’s all. When I watch her videos, my whole be-ing begins again to breathe freely and so much junk from the past becomes nothing more than a sweet memory of what I’ve overcome.

What do you have in life that is more important than the Holy Spirit? Whatever it is, that is your worst enemy – your only enemy, really. You must crave (my word) the Spirit of God: it’s Jesus living in you, the hope of glory. But I sense that very few people are actually experiencing His overwhelming presence in an exciting and palpable way.

We can – and must – assimilate all newly-gleaned knowledge gently enough to allow ourselves to keep our beautiful, flexible minds open … open, that is, to the Holy Spirit. We are big enough now (mature enough) to learn from other believers, even if they are awaiting a rapture and we believe it’s come and gone!

We’ve got to NOT get cocky and think that we have all the answers; ask our precious Abba (Daddy) to guide us in every thought and tell Him to take anything from us but, please “Take not Your Holy Spirit from me.”

Don't let your knowledge block your learning!
Don’t let your knowledge block your learning!