Thou shalt not kill, unless . . .

A friend of mine told me today that their entire life was influenced by the Bible and that it was the clearest most concise book ever written. As an example they quoted Moses and said “Thou shalt not kill. That is plain and simple. How hard is it for people to not get that??”
Sometimes….. I am a smart alec.
My answer went something like this:
Yes! Don’t kill! Of course there are exceptions clearly laid out in the Bible!
It’s ok to kill IF you are dealing with someone who does not listen to the priests Deuteronomy 17:12.
It is ok to kill witches Exodus 22:17.
And of course you can kill gay people Leviticus 21 verse 3
Don’t forget about fortune tellers! Kill them! Leviticus 20:27
Exodus 21:15 is very clear that we should kill anyone who hits their father.
Leviticus 21 verse 9 says to kill anyone who curses their parents.
Adultery? Leviticus 20 verse 10 says kill them! Leviticus 21:9 says to kill the fornicators. Exodus 22:19 says to kill those who follow other religions. Wow! Sounds like ISIS!!!
Second chronicles 15:12, 13 says to kill non-believers.
Zechariah 13: 3 says to kill false prophets.
In Deuteronomy 13 we find out that it’s okay to kill an entire town if there’s one unbeliever in the town!?!
Deuteronomy 22 tells us to kill Brides who do not bleed on the sheets on their honeymoon. Exodus 31 tells us we can kill people who work on the Sabbath!
Isaiah 14 tells us that we can kill the children of sinners. Wow!
The Bible is really clear about that one!
THE BIBLE! An inspirational book that must be rightly divided and applied only by the spirit, within. It is the word of men….about their view of the God of the Jewish religion.
Robert Rutherford