Actual treatment

By Knowing, constantly and continuously, through acceptance, that you are free now, already. That this “I” that you think has this condition, doesn’t actually exist. It is an illusion. There is only Infinite Being and It is the Light. It is whole, complete and perfect – IT IS YOU.
By continuing to claim that “you” have ________, you are continuing the condition and keeping yourself from experiencing the revealing of the truth about it. This may be hard to hear, but the fact is, there is no one and no thing (including words of Truth) that is going to bring you peace about this.
The peace and freedom comes when you are willing to embrace whatever is, while steadfastly always knowing the truth about it. In other words, don’t resist it but don’t believe it either, as having any sort of power over you at all – because it doesn’t.
It takes persistent focus to always be aware of what your attention is on.
The “seeming” condition is an illusion that feeds on our lack of awareness of what it really is and what we really are. It will starve and eventually dissolve through our lack of attention on it.     

Octavia Williams