Trouble pondering deeply?

Having trouble pondering deeply?
I wish I could think of a better expression than “flesh out” but that’s exactly what we want to do. [This is in direct contrast with going into the silence – deliberately clearing the mind completely – to be with one’s Source wordlessly.]

“God is All.” What does that mean to you? How can you apply it to your present understanding? What impact can be anticipated? Not only is God All, but He’s also Omnipresence and Omnipotence. Sickness, disease, lack, etc. cannot be where God is All, but God is All everywhere!! And what can attack you from the outside if God is all-power?

Sometimes I-Spirit makes a demand on us, something that will help us tremendously in our quest; but, alas, all too often we ignore this critical summons. That’s the time to ask “What didn’t I do that Spirit asked me to do?” That could contain the answer to all your problems!