Encouragement for the Gay community

May I say a few words of encouragement to the Gay community?
Please trust me when I say that I hate religion but I love God.
Please trust me when I say that this is not about preaching (as if I had some special connection that you don’t have).
The exact opposite is what I’m trying to convey.
You have every right to an intimate relation with God that any so-called straight person has.
God – that Being that we all call out to when we’ve got our back to the wall – He created you and He loves you.
Not everyone knows this. Some people think that they’re out of the loop because religion has brainwashed them into thinking so.
I am not here to moralize to you: I honestly don’t believe that the way to connect with Him who loves us more than anything else has a list of rules or morals that need to be met.
God is very, very accessible to you.
Let’s give Him a try right now, okay?
So, what do we need to do? Read? Pray? Think? Visit?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
It’s all about simply becoming aware.
Just for the sake of clarity, remember that God loves you soooo much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to reach out to us. I only brought that up because I’m not talking about many gods, but the one God who created the universe … and … us!
So, how do we become aware?
Right here, right now, let’s connect … I mean, let’s become fully aware of God’s (Jesus’) presence.
Let everything else go right now. Be aware that the Creator of the universe is right here.
“Right where?” you ask. Sweetheart, He is within you.
Do you feel Him there? A little?
You’ll feel Him more and more with practice.
Are your eyes a little moist? Well, so are His.
That’s how much He loves you.

Encouragement for the Gay community
Encouragement for the Gay community