To do Now: Urgent

You owe it to yourself today and every day to become re-aware of your real being in God with God in and AS you!!! You make your day – and your life – by choosing to STAY AWARE. Start right away … NOW !!! Don’t ever say “I’ll get right to it.” That means you just gave up!!
The MOMENT the thought comes to you, THAT’S when you do it. Take a deep breath wherever you are, recognize God within you and you within Him. What does that mean?
These eyes are His and He is seeing as me. These are his perfect ears too! My feet, my hands, my heart, my head: His, His, His, His. Functioning as me.
I AM whole, complete, loved, perfect, validated, living in the forever now with Jesus. I am so happy I could shout for joy! Help me (Us) to see everyone exactly the same way. Help me to repeat this the EXACT MOMENT that I need it again, knowing that it gets easier and easier and easier.

Do it now! And again the moment the need arises! Again and again ’til it’s written on your soul.