Painfully aware

I just want you to know that I am PAINFULLY AWARE of what it’s like to be wracked in pain: my story(-ies) are far too long and too painful to relate.

I KNOW WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING how much one DOESN’T want to hear victory stories when they’re at rock bottom. I get it. It’s entirely normal. At least it’s ‘normal’ on this plane. Can you at least acknowledge that this isn’t the only plane that exists? Do you believe that Jesus walked right through walls? Can you imagine his whole body, including his garment, at His command?

Far fetched? Long ago? Stay with me, please. In another dimension, Jesus’ many miraculous feats were – and are – a piece of cake! Well, that dimension is right here. We don’t have to travel and we don’t have to die in order to avail ourselves of God’s supernatural power. Reading the Bible with this in mind, with gleaning the inspired Word alone, will bring you to the same place: God, Spirit, Love is all-powerful and right here where we are!!

WHAT TO DO? Let God speak to you. You’ve got to be VERY, VERY STILL. The Holy Spirit has extremely good news for you: what in the world is more important – to be focused on exclusively – than that?