There are things you can do to heal yourself

Is there something in your life that is in need of healing – physical, emotional, financial or spiritual? If you said spiritual, you’re already halfway there because all of our woes can be boiled down to a lack in spiritual apprehension. Some people have a great deal of head knowledge on the subject of spiritual healing but just don’t seem to know how to appropriate it while others sense that healing is possible but could use a little more preparation. One thing I do know is that anyone who is willing to trust God with their problem can effect a healing – on their own!
The operative question is “How do I get my thinking to line up with the Holy Spirit so that I can remove my own doubt, fear and unbelief? What do I need to know in order to be on the side of healing?” If you’re asking these questions, you’re really on the right track! Healings take place in the spiritual realm before they’re manifested in the realm of the flesh. That makes sense, right? “I’ve had this problem for a very long time…” you may argue. But did you ever actually do your part to heal it? Did you – in deepest humility – petition Jesus to step in, on your behalf? God wants you well, happy, companioned, loved, prosperous and free! He told me so! Are you ready to get really serious? Then let’s see what the Word of God has to say to you personally.
Tim Heart has brought out an all-important caveat to our forgetting that in reality we don’t actually -D-O- anything:

If you can put this on the level of salvation; did you appropriate salvation or was it something Jesus did for us with no help from us at all? 1 Peter 1:3 says it was God that (caused) us to be born again and that was without us appropriating it! The Greek word Sozo means healed and so born again means we were healed! I believe we were healed body, soul and spirit at that time. From my observation the biggest hindrence to body healing is the concept of trying to receive or appropriate what God already caused to happen! Sozo was accomplished with the faith of Jesus. Eph.2:8. So Sozo was finished before time began. 2Tim.1:9 Not disagreeing but just adding to the thinking about the timing so our thinking can hopefully line up more easily with Jesus work and not constantly trying to add our work! People are in limbo because they think they can’t get the reveiving and appropriating thing down, so they think they are the problem and don’t have the faith or enough faith! If you think I am confusing the issue, sorry, just remove what I said! Bottom line_____It is Finished!
~ Tim Heart