What’s wrong with a problem being healed?

Some people may pretend that evil spirits don’t exist while others may, like Jesus, see beyond their seeming power and apply spiritual truth to eradicate them.

In like manner, some people may pretend that sickness, pain, fear, poverty, etc. don’t exist while others may, like Jesus, deny their power and authority, thereby healing them.

Why hold on to anything that is ungodlike?

What’s to stop us from staying in the Spirit?


What’s wrong with

A big, horrific problem

That causes so much

Suffering and grief

Being completely

And permanently



You don’t have to pretend that evil has no power over you. It doesn’t.


Talk to God

And He’ll talk to you

Then listen

And listen

And listen.

Want to know how long?

Until there’s no longer

Two of you –

God and you –

But just One.

Water, water everywhere, but nary a drop to drink! Water, water everywhere, but nary a drop to drink!