Monthly Archives: June 2018

You may need more preparation

IF YOU WOULiD LIKE TO GROW in your Spiritual apprehension and it doesn’t seem to be happening, here’s one possible reason: maybe – for your particular goal – a passive approach is inadequate.
You want to do more but people keep telling you to ‘rest’. You may not even be sufficiently aware of the spiritual significance of such expressions. Perhaps you’re constantly encountering terminology that you’re not quite sure you’ve fully grasped. You want to protest vehemently from time to time but are beginning to sense that you don’t really know what you’re disagreeing with!
If you can relate to any of the above, well, it seems to me that you’re a great candidate for a much more rigorous plan of study.
I personally have more than 50 years of the teachings of Joel S. Goldsmith under my belt. Being free of the crippling constraints of religion, I was also able to do a very in-depth study of A Course in Miracles where I made it my business to meditate and apply all the Principles – 365 of them – many, many times!
Then I began to consume everything Andrew Wommack ever said about anything. What a pure, fresh treatment of everything biblical!
And now, try as I do, I just can’t get enough of Herb Fitch (Joel Goldsmith’s adoring student). I never thought anyone could be more audacious than Joel, but Herb proved me wrong. Herb will not let you escape with a half-hearted effort at anything. If you want healing and you have a lovely mixture of Truth and error, you can expect not to succeed. There are no brownie points for partial practice! You finally come to realize that you are accountable. You can have/do whatever you want if you apply spiritual principles; but, alas, you can not if you do not.

MEMES – 18

No one can see the divine body of anyone.
It is the
only body here #ChristInUsNow…

My divine body is right here.
But it is only detectable by the Christ-mind.

We’re slowly moving into another universe where everything is divine, eternal.
We’ll have to start seeing spiritually eventually!!

DO NOT BE IMPRESSED WITH EVIL (whatever that is!).

Every evil(?) has a cause in our human consciousness.
Let’s rise up like Lazarus, out of the tomb, leaving aside all human belief.

How do u know ur not under some kind of hypnotic spell?
How about universal hypnotic spell?
In God, it doesn’t exist.

Release yourself from
doesn’t exist in the eternal N O W of God.

Just had most affectionate image of JESUS as growing boy, swatting off a ton of hypnotic flies targeting him & his future mission!

Here’s help for the disappointed-in-people’s (non-)actions:
Who is disappointed??
Not Spirit-you at all!

John was one of the first channelists, channeling mind of Christ, above level of human thought.
We too can come out of world mind.

When you come out of the world mind you’re smack dab in the middle of
The Kingdom of God.
Seems impossible?
Ask Jesus!

My whole life is dedicated to achieving the awareness that is Christ #Consciousness now
What a joy-filled journey it is

If we turn our minds over to Christ every day we’ll walk in the Spirit and find every door open to us.

God is the very substance of my being.
Jesus is the Life & Light which is the ONE life that there is
It can walk out of every tomb

There is no power on this earth that can alter the truth of your being.
Your be-ing is

Nothing can steal your joy. The world can screech and scream but that has absolutely
on you coz you’re not in the world

We must
the enemy.
Then get outta the realm of carnal mind (which in Spiritual reality) DOES NOT EXIST. #DeHypnotize

I am the image and likeness of God.
I cannot mix divinity with mortality .

Are you under attack?
Do you have so much to give & someone wants to destroy you and/or your mission?
Remember I-Spirit IS instead

If ur impressed when things “go well” in world ur leaving yourself open to all the bad stuff too.

You can rise above your present challenge. Ur already so far above it that it doesn’t exist in ur realm – the realm of pure Light

Are u mixing Divinity w mortality?
Actually it can’t b done but man loves to spend his whole life spinning his wheels & trying to.

Want to die to mortality?
The death of the ego will do it for you.
To be taught by God your
#Consciousness must be open #NoDualism

Very few people die to mortality. They prefer being 100% controlled by world mind all their lives
Nothing in the world is from God

If you should choose to live in the Spirit you’ll encounter opposition.
Not to worry
The Spirit Itself is your protection.
<'///>< ♡ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NIV ♡ When you recognize that any problem you may have is not yours but a world problem which is just passing thru you, you'll be free! Entire material world is mortal mind externalized. The cosmic mind seems overwhelmingly real until we have good reason to doubt it There was much turbulence on the water, but JESUS walked on the water. He was the Presence of God on the water. You are too! :D There is no more human 'you' because your soul & spirit are joined. Christ is born in you. We always were the infinite one Self. YOU'RE NOT AT ONE WITH GOD UNLESS YOU'RE A - W - A - R - E OF BEING ONE WITH GOD. You can instantaneously claim it. How, pray tell, does one's life continue? That's easy: this is not ur life ... but ur life is right here right now! #CONSCIOUSNESS When suddenly whole bunch of things start going swimmingly for no seeming reason I like to think of it as God-kisses for well done Before Abraham was I AM. Infinite Consciousness of universe. I Am = I. I Am = consciousness of all reality - past, present, future W.A.R.N.I.N.G If you're starting to spend an inordinate amount of time in I AM you're bound to grow addicted to it & never leave. When YOU are divine Consciousness & You have felt scope of divinity within You then are You I AM I AM is infinite Christ In You When u reach Divine thought ur thinking w no obstruction. As ur Consciousness develops it feels like ur brain is wide as the earth Is your "I AM" Consciousness expanding and forever expanding? Have you reached "Before Abraham..."? Has that universe come into u? Something deeply personal happened to me that I find hard to express It was the strangest 'prayer' "I want..." was Spiritually met I'm not where my body is. How about you? I AM = Christ which cannot be crucified. When Jesus said I Am, he meant Consciousness. Since God governs my being I am only under Spiritual law Whatever my problem is ther is no place in my consciousness for inharmony There is no physical body where the presence is realized Take no thought for ur temporary life: it isn't there! #SpiritualUniverse

What I’m looking for

I’M LOOKING FOR SOMETHING WAY, WAY BEYOND having a lovely day and a lovely life in the world while thinking about God.
I don’t ask for ease and great comfort in the fleshly dream. I’m glad for whatever it takes to awaken me completely.
I don’t yearn to leave you and go off holding hands with Jesus: I yearn to get it all into print just how and what it means to literally be the light.
Yes, I have a few annoyances that appear to be limiting, but I know better: they’re my vehicle to a higher, deeper level of Christ consciousness as my only consciousness! In this pure awareness I experience none of the annoyances at all.
The answer to ‘why don’t I just stay here?’ is that’s exactly what I am doing.
☆ <3 ☆

When you reach a new level

YOU MAY HAVE BEEN CLAIMING YOUR ONENESS in God for a long, long time…
Sometimes you saw it more clearly than other times.
And there were so many many times this palpitating clarity just simply wasn’t there.
You reached out yet again and there it was so this time you were determined to rein it in.
You could sense that you had made some permanent progress but it wasn’t going anywhere.
The next thing you knew there was a symptom or a distraction or an illusion firmly planted…
Then back to the drawing board! Why couldn’t you ever maintain that last position and move on from there?
Months and months passed into years and while you were thankful beyond measure to be as aware as you were …
Couldn’t you just … just move it up another notch and finalize it? You had no idea what a terrible request you were asking!
Finalize infinity? Put a cap on it? No! No! No! You’d say but just get beyond that repetitive point!
Are you sitting down for this one? – You Weren’t Ready For It! You’re starting to see stuff now that you never could have then.
And you’re aware enough now to see it’s only a beginning! But guess what? That next plateau … that new level that you were craving …
You Have Just Arrived!

MEMES – 17

Let’s get it done!

Your infinite spiritual body has no defect whatsoever.
You have no other body.
The Holy Spirit can explain this to you from within

The perfect qualities of God are your qualities.
They appear in a Timeless world not in the world of time we seem to be living in.

Let’s dump our entire concept & operate from new level of Spirit
Germs aren’t in ur spiritual body any more than unwanted impulses


If u want to live where Spirit wants u to live – in God’s kingdom – u need to see it right here where u are.
Behave at that level!

You can find hidden treasures in everything as long as you live in the Spirit.
It’s up to us to make the decision & not look back.

Are you willing to see the visible world of Illusion transformed into the reality it is masking?
Your proper seeing transforms it.

(1) Study real nature of Spirit
(2) Transform ur life to fit ur new vision
(3) Accelerate ur spiritual progress by helping others

T – I – M – E
is a

As a mortal being u cannot enter Heaven coz heaven requires perfection. Mortality can’t survive in the higher realm.
We must yield

We can remain preoccupied with cares & worries of this world if we want
submit to the Light & have our entire lives illumined.

Why waste time as if ur a mortal when ur Light?
Face impulses saying u r sick, poor, etc by BEING the Light.

what never should have appeared complicated
Simply BE Spirit

If you leave the world of non-Spirit [world of heartless ILLUSION]
by recognizing nothing but Divine Truth, all you’ll see is God.


You must complete ur Spiritual transition by clearly seeing the light wherever there seemed to have been a person.
Then it’s done!

I have my own version (application) of tongues.
It goes on silently & automatically whenever unwanted chatter threatens in my head

“I” had a good strong talk with “me” this morning.
“Me” finally gave it up & confessed to fraud & illusion which had already died.

As I Am, you are.
Jesus learned of his Christhood and taught us how to do likewise.
What an honor!What a joy!
Life in & as Christ!

isn’t becoming anything. Spirit already
All, One, Perfection, Omnipresence, Life, Love, Omnipotence, Truth, God.

They asked if we believe in reincarnation!
For the s-l-o-w [learners] yes.
The QUICKENED will be translated.

Nothing is more liberating than the death of an illusion.
~ David Rein

Every tear, every single disappointing setback is conspiring to catapult u permanently into realm of spirit -out of flesh forever!

I refuse to inhabit anything God didn’t create.
How close are you to fully understanding this glorious Truth?
Never sick!

For a little while you appear to have two personalities: visibly human & invisible incorporeal.
God works it all out for you
<3 <3 You're an incorporeal being. God is your doctor, your chiropractor, your practitioner! How cool is that?!! INCORPOREALITY. #AWAKEN Anything the Father wants you to do is spiritual: spiritually endowed spiritually ordained and spiritually executed by the Father. Do everything you possibly can to dwell in the consciousness of INCORPOREALITY. There's no other way to eternal life #DEHYPNOTIZE (1) Accept your I D E N T I T Y - as Christ. (2) Get out of belief in corporeal body. This is Christ-power! #ThisCanHealYou Ponder all the K N O T S I am not in this body, I am not in this world, not limited, not sick, not lonely, not poor, not mortal... We're not human, mortal, corporeal trying to become spiritual, immortal, incorporeal. We are that I AM right now where we stand. We must live in the Cause of things rather than in their effect. Outside of spiritual Cause, we're in karmic law. #NoDualism A G E L E S S Stay with this Truth until you really see it. The human mind can only see through a glass darkly but u are spiritual Man's desire for the pleasure & pain of the world is overwhelming - until he's come face to face with God. #ThisChangesEverything The world is ur adversary & u didn't even know it More importantly u didn't know how incredibly wonderful it is to be FREE AT LAST ONLY THE CHRIST CAN LEAD YOU THROUGH - AND OUT OF - THE WORLD. The time has come to develop your Christ-consciousness! The Christ mind sees from within: it doesn't see an external world. Only mortal man flips back & forth, in and out of the world :p I am "I" the Infinite. [What is my weak point as well as strong point?] I want only Christ activity that links me to Divine Mind. Your entire life can be experienced now - BECAUSE IT ALREADY IS - in eternity forever! Are u ready t welcome it? #Consciousness My spiritual body lives in eternity. It preceded birth & will never die. Everything in the eternal Father is in my spiritual body. Whatever I have is perfect. If a thing is not perfect it is not of God. This Divine Life can't change, get sick, die. #DEHYPNOTIZE Why did u depart from realm of Spirit to examine world's concept of body? When did matter take center stage again? See Spiritually

Our progress Spiritward

Our progress Spiritward is in proportion to the illumination which enables us to behold more and more of Reality. Because the human scene is entirely a misconception through misperception, any thought of helping, healing, correcting, or changing the material picture must be relinquished in order that we may SEE the Ever-Present Reality.
~Joel S. Goldsmith

The ego must have conflict – Stan Tyra

Every ego contains a “victim mentality.” Some have such a strong victim image of themselves, it has become the core of their identity. Resentment and anger are never far away from their thoughts.

Complaining and reactivity are favorite mind patterns through which the ego strengthens itself. By doing this you make others, or a situation “wrong” and yourself “right.” We are addicted to being “right” as it makes us feel superior which only strengthens the illusion of ego.

The ego must have conflict because it must have something to be against or fight against, demonstrating this is “me” and that is not “me.” Without the “unbeliever,” who would the “believer” be? Sadly, most of us have no idea. Collective identity is created and strengthened by having a group or tribe with the same enemy. Remember, the ego must have a conflict as it only exist through comparison and it will grasp at anything.

Lastly for today, envy is a by-product of the ego, which feels diminished if something good happens to someone they don’t approve of. It’s impossible to celebrate another’s victory or good fortune, which I believe, holds a key to breaking out of this self-constructed prison. Your victory may well be discovered in the celebration of someone else’s victory. What you long for may well be embedded in someone else’s wounds, (like Thomas and Jesus), or in someone else’s victory. Pay attention to how you feel when someone fails and someone succeeds. Is there any feeling of justification in their failure or any sense of resentment in their success? Noticing this could well help you see the illusionary fraud you have called “you,” for to long.
~Stan Tyra

What is I Am?

I Am = GOD
God is All, ONE, Spirit, Life,Love, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Infinity, Truth, Self, Substance, Omniscience.
I Am = us

What is “I Am”?

I Am Spirit (the only Spirit) & not flesh.
I’m free in Christ now & forever!
I don’t defend against anything
I Am armor of God.

I Am Spirit