MEMES – 18

No one can see the divine body of anyone.
It is the
only body here #ChristInUsNow…

My divine body is right here.
But it is only detectable by the Christ-mind.

We’re slowly moving into another universe where everything is divine, eternal.
We’ll have to start seeing spiritually eventually!!

DO NOT BE IMPRESSED WITH EVIL (whatever that is!).

Every evil(?) has a cause in our human consciousness.
Let’s rise up like Lazarus, out of the tomb, leaving aside all human belief.

How do u know ur not under some kind of hypnotic spell?
How about universal hypnotic spell?
In God, it doesn’t exist.

Release yourself from
doesn’t exist in the eternal N O W of God.

Just had most affectionate image of JESUS as growing boy, swatting off a ton of hypnotic flies targeting him & his future mission!

Here’s help for the disappointed-in-people’s (non-)actions:
Who is disappointed??
Not Spirit-you at all!

John was one of the first channelists, channeling mind of Christ, above level of human thought.
We too can come out of world mind.

When you come out of the world mind you’re smack dab in the middle of
The Kingdom of God.
Seems impossible?
Ask Jesus!

My whole life is dedicated to achieving the awareness that is Christ #Consciousness now
What a joy-filled journey it is

If we turn our minds over to Christ every day we’ll walk in the Spirit and find every door open to us.

God is the very substance of my being.
Jesus is the Life & Light which is the ONE life that there is
It can walk out of every tomb

There is no power on this earth that can alter the truth of your being.
Your be-ing is

Nothing can steal your joy. The world can screech and scream but that has absolutely
on you coz you’re not in the world

We must
the enemy.
Then get outta the realm of carnal mind (which in Spiritual reality) DOES NOT EXIST. #DeHypnotize

I am the image and likeness of God.
I cannot mix divinity with mortality .

Are you under attack?
Do you have so much to give & someone wants to destroy you and/or your mission?
Remember I-Spirit IS instead

If ur impressed when things “go well” in world ur leaving yourself open to all the bad stuff too.

You can rise above your present challenge. Ur already so far above it that it doesn’t exist in ur realm – the realm of pure Light

Are u mixing Divinity w mortality?
Actually it can’t b done but man loves to spend his whole life spinning his wheels & trying to.

Want to die to mortality?
The death of the ego will do it for you.
To be taught by God your
#Consciousness must be open #NoDualism

Very few people die to mortality. They prefer being 100% controlled by world mind all their lives
Nothing in the world is from God

If you should choose to live in the Spirit you’ll encounter opposition.
Not to worry
The Spirit Itself is your protection.
<'///>< ♡ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NIV ♡ When you recognize that any problem you may have is not yours but a world problem which is just passing thru you, you'll be free! Entire material world is mortal mind externalized. The cosmic mind seems overwhelmingly real until we have good reason to doubt it There was much turbulence on the water, but JESUS walked on the water. He was the Presence of God on the water. You are too! :D There is no more human 'you' because your soul & spirit are joined. Christ is born in you. We always were the infinite one Self. YOU'RE NOT AT ONE WITH GOD UNLESS YOU'RE A - W - A - R - E OF BEING ONE WITH GOD. You can instantaneously claim it. How, pray tell, does one's life continue? That's easy: this is not ur life ... but ur life is right here right now! #CONSCIOUSNESS When suddenly whole bunch of things start going swimmingly for no seeming reason I like to think of it as God-kisses for well done Before Abraham was I AM. Infinite Consciousness of universe. I Am = I. I Am = consciousness of all reality - past, present, future W.A.R.N.I.N.G If you're starting to spend an inordinate amount of time in I AM you're bound to grow addicted to it & never leave. When YOU are divine Consciousness & You have felt scope of divinity within You then are You I AM I AM is infinite Christ In You When u reach Divine thought ur thinking w no obstruction. As ur Consciousness develops it feels like ur brain is wide as the earth Is your "I AM" Consciousness expanding and forever expanding? Have you reached "Before Abraham..."? Has that universe come into u? Something deeply personal happened to me that I find hard to express It was the strangest 'prayer' "I want..." was Spiritually met I'm not where my body is. How about you? I AM = Christ which cannot be crucified. When Jesus said I Am, he meant Consciousness. Since God governs my being I am only under Spiritual law Whatever my problem is ther is no place in my consciousness for inharmony There is no physical body where the presence is realized Take no thought for ur temporary life: it isn't there! #SpiritualUniverse