Learn to choose

You think it is God’s will that is being acted out here, but you and the world are wrong about that. It is something else that is being constantly acted out here —namely your seeming separation from God. We want to help you return to your reality with Him. The seeming interaction between you and God is really an interaction within your own unconscious split mind —between the part of you that has forgotten your reality and the part of your mind where the Holy Spirit dwells. He has never left you. His Voice, which you will learn how to be vigilant for, is your memory of God —your memory of your true home. This Voice represents your long-forgotten reality. Now you must learn how to choose, like the prisoners in Plato’s cave, something that you will have tremendous resistance to choosing. You must learn how to choose between the Holy Spirit, Who represents the real you, and the part of your mind that represents the false you. And you will learn how to do it in such a way that your long-imprisoned unconscious mind can finally be freed. It is literally impossible for you to do this on your own. You are certainly welcome to try. If you will let yourself be helped, then much time can be saved for you.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe
Based on ACIM
& the Gospel of Thomas