Man is transfixed by … himself

˙ʇuǝpıɔɔɐ ʎq pɹɐoqʎǝʞ uɐıןɐɹʇsnɐ uɐ ʇɥbnoq ı dןǝɥ

It’s been said by brilliant people, mostly Buddhists, for the last 2,600 years, that there are three great mysteries in life. To a fish, it’s the water. To a bird, it’s the air. To a human being, it’s himself.
. Hey…!

Let me get this straight – 65 million years ago, a giant meteor, 10 to 50 miles wide, slammed into the Yucatan, killing all dinosaurs, yet the planet was not destroyed.  But now we think cow farts will destroy the planet?   MC

When you are dead, you won’t even know that you are dead. It is a pain only felt by others. Same thing when you are stupid.

That depressing moment when u dip ur cookie into milk for too long, it breaks off & u wonder why bad things happen to good people*

I know a guy who suffers from paranoia & procrastination.
He thinks th whole world is out t get him but not just now.
:p :p :p :p