Bliss is not of this world. RA

Bliss is a word again that cannot be described. It makes happiness feel like nothing. It is not of this world. You do not even experience it. You simply enjoy it. When you are in bliss it is then that you lose yourself completely. The personal-I, the personal self at that time no longer exists. It has been dissolved forever. It is a state that you cannot return from. It is not something that you feel when you are meditating then you get back to the personal self. There is no personal self. You are finished with your ego, with your personal self and with the I-thought. You have become nothing. You have melted. You have been destroyed. Yet you are alive.

You feel that you are alive and you do not know how you live. For so-called life that you have been experiencing previously no longer exists for you. You have become the Self and you can laugh. For you realize that you have always been the Self. There never was a time that you were not the Self. You are free, totally free. The world is no longer the world that you once knew. You continue to see the images but the images are like chalk writings on the blackboard. And you are the chalkboard. You’re free, totally absolutely free.

Robert Adams