Not human happiness but upsetment. RA

If you look into the life of every sage, they didn’t come here to make you happy. They came here to take away your so-called human happiness. They came to show you that human happiness is transitory. It is not permanent. They came to upset you, to upset your lifestyle, not to bring you happiness.

We still have a tendency to believe that when we get into a spiritual teaching, all of our humanhood will improve drastically. If we are sick we’ll be healed, if we are poor we’ll be rich, if we have mental anguish, we’ll have joy and happiness. But that’s not a spiritual teaching. Your feelings and your life so-called and your body have nothing to do with spirituality. You gotta understand this once and for all.

True spirituality goes beyond the relative world. It has absolutely nothing to do with the human condition. Yet you’ve heard me say many times that your humanhood also improves, so it sounds like a contradiction. But what I meant was this: when you make the transcendence, when you awaken to your true self, you have no idea what’s going on with the body. You are in a different dimension so to speak.

Robert Adams