Don’t waste your energy! -RAdams

Most people are stuck in a spot in time where they go through many relative phenomenons, good and bad, off and on, and always trying to change bad for good, always trying to remove the bad and hang on to the good. But they are both impostors. You should never try to do this, you’re wasting your energy.

You should be using your energy to become totally free and liberated, not try to make yourself a millionaire or to heal yourself of every disease known to man, or make yourself famous somehow. All these things will pass. These things come and go. You experience one then the other. You want to become totally free.

Totally, absolutely free and liberated. You want to know that you’re all-pervading. There is nothing but the Self which is you, nothing else exists. The Self is absolute reality, self-contained. … The Self is bliss, nirvana, I-am. This is what you are right now. This is your true nature, right now! This is reality right now!

Robert Adams