Category Archives: Application of Scriptures

As we recognize that we are truly in Christ and that our old things have all passed away, we will begin to “SEE” the New Heaven & Earth which are already here. First we “SEE” spiritually, and – as soon as we do – the full revelation takes place.


Jesus, the social misfit!

See me, see the Father. Those were his words. Okay, so:

Healing the son of his birth nation’s enemy;
Freeing the captive, death row adulterous woman and Sabbath breaking man;
Breaking the Sabbath;
Breaking the Kosher table laws;
Breaking the laws about touching the unclean, after not sacrificing for his sin;
Turning water into wine and being blamed for being a drunk while drinking with sinners at their homes;
Telling off the Religious elite;
Messing up the Temple;
Denying the Temple as being God’s Temple;
Disagreeing with sacrifice;
Upsetting the religious elite and government officials;
Refusing to pledge allegiance to his birth nation and it’s king;
Refusing violence and retaliation;
Doing good, blessing and loving all, to include those who deemed him enemy, tortured and killed him, in doing so refusing a Holy, Religious or Just War;
Being Merciful;
Defeating Death, Hades and the Grave;
Emptying Hades;

That’s how Father does life, not like Cain, but more like Abel, with his own change in reaction: forgiveness, not vengeance.
Dominic Moes

New Covenant established

The New Covenant was established at the Cross in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus, made between a Perfect Father and His Perfect Son, in 30 AD. Forty years later, a generation, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple occurred. Since then, Jesus says the Kingdom has now come to be present with power. The goal is for God’s Heavenly Kingdom to expand and advance over all the Earth. How has the Church been doing with advancing this Kingdom since the first century until now? Let’s look at some Church history:   Acts 3:19-21 –God has been recovering His creation since the Resurrection of Jesus occurred. What we can see throughout Church history is a recovery process so that the saints may truly possess the Kingdom and do something with it in this Earth. Restoration, Recovery, Restitution (to restore to the original state or position).
~ David Duncan
God’s Covenant Journey:
Understanding the Bible story
through a historic, covenantal
and Kingdom lens

David Duncan and grandaughter
David Duncan and grandaughter

Joyce on freely applying scriptures of your choice

….. (Dr. Robin Starbuck)
This morning Joyce did something I’ve never seen another pastor do. She
(1) demonstrated*
……. how to
(2) apply*
……. Bible selections
(3) of one’s own*
……. choosing.
People get jammed up when they feel they “should” read a certain amount of the Bible as well as pray for a certain period of time, when the fact is THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT TO DO !! They only needed such an unpretentious teacher like Joyce to SHOW how ANYONE CAN DO IT !! The notion that you need someone else to supply you with specific biblical quotes and that there’s some elusive pattern and method that you can learn is counter-productive at best!
Pick a place to start. Joyce likes Psalms or Proverbs while I’m more inclined to go to the New Testament. Start reading and then stop as soon as you come to something that resonates with you. Now RESTATE WHAT YOU’VE JUST READ. MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU (OR, WHOEVER YOU’RE PRAYING FOR). Take your time and enjoy it: you’re doing God’s work now and you’re right in the center of His will. Feel His love enveloping you: Feel the Power! Keep reading until you come to another applicable idea. Use your own name and lingo. If you look around on the inside of you, you’ll observe uptightness and negative thinking melting away, replaced by that selfsame Love. Read a little more: you may or may not finish the chapter, but who’s counting? Certainly not God!! You may not have noticed it but your mind has been pretty much off the problem(s) you had been obsessing over. Am I right? Read just a bit more and apply it. You’ll begin to feel a sense of “job well done!” and yes, you can feel good about yourself now – even Jesus is smiling brightly!

No other Gospel

The Gospel of Christ is the Gospel of grace. There is no other gospel
James Carter

And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia: [3] Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, [4] Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: [5] To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. [6] I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: [7] Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. [8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:2-8 KJV

James Carter
James Carter

The notion that one has it all together is cause for alarm.

I am afraid of Christians that think they have it all and are not pursuing more. This is one of the biggest dangers of modern Charismatic Christianity. It is a reaction against the orphan hearted Charismatic prayer movements which always seem to be crying out to an absentee God. Yet there is a tension between being complete in Christ and pressing on toward the high calling and drawing near which causes Him to draw near. He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
Jonathan Welton, Ph.D.

□ NOTE: “Charismatic” is a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers, as of healing, prophecy, and the gift of tongues.

We’re no longer mere humans.


… Paul would rebuke the Corinthians by saying, “Stop acting like mere humans” (see 1 Cor. 3: 3). Later in the same letter, he rebuked them again by saying, “Do you not know we will judge angels?”(1 Cor. 6: 3). He was rebuking them for not understanding who they really were, for not comprehending the level to which they had been raised through the new creation. No longer were they mere humans.
Jonathan Welton
Understanding the Whole Bible