How can I get to that perfect spiritual awareness?

I earnestly believe that the answer you’re looking for is – after all the sincere efforts have been made to get to that ultimate spiritual yearning – to declare within yourself that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is more important, that you don’t mind doing WHATEVER IT TAKES in your unique case … that the original problem no longer means anything … and all you want is to know that you are in your true identity as “I-Spirit” (God living AS you). It’s a matter of arriving at THIS POINT that God can take over and you literally FEEL the shackles drop off all around you, many of which you didn’t even know you were wearing. Whether it was a lot of stillness, a lot of asking, a lot of reciting mantras or other affirmations, a lot of blocking out the world mind, or multifarious combinations of the above, whether it took minutes or decades or lifetimes << all of that was your unique way of getting 'there'. Don't forget that your whole lifetime has brought you to this unique moment of receptivity where Spirit, your true Self can finally take over.