Rethinking forgiveness

Haven’t we been taught that forgiveness is such a godly thing to do? That it is the epitome of love in action? Think again in the light of pure Spirit.
As long as we hold a nation or a person in forgiveness we are actually judging them and declaring that there is a place where God isn’t or wasn’t.
Separated beings – him and her, me and you, them and us – don’t exist in Spirit. We are, in fact, all one: ONE indivisible, invisible, infinite whole, called God, who is incapable of errancy of any kind.
I had always thought that forgiveness was so magnanimous and yet I still struggled with it, unaware that my every effort to forgive was really claiming that the hypnosis of belief in separate individuals and issues was real, something other than my thought externalized – like sense-mind forms.
So the challenge I ultimately posed to myself became “Are you going to believe the sense impressions of a matter-based world mind or the omnipresent Oneness of Spirit, God?”