Awaken to the fact that when you are not consciously attuned to the Infinite, you are unconsciously attuned to the world mind and you are outside of the Garden. You are walking in the belief and in the experience of the good and of the evil, because you are not tuned to that mind which is the Christ mind. And that tuning, that faithful resting in the Christ mind consciously is called “watching.” Be watchful! Acknowledge Me; abide in Me; I the Christ in thee will give thee light if you awake to Me. And this is the watching that ultimately breaks the mist of mortal thought, the lie about God, and opens us to the fullness of Christ in which dominion is an experience that shows forth the Kingdom of heaven on earth. Now we are watching; we are letting ourselves be lifted above the sense-mind which is sleeping, always sleeping in matter, lulled by the appearances and dreaming that there is evil in the perfect universe of God. To this sense-mind we are now bidding bon voyage and we are “launching out into the deep.”
~ Herb Fitch