“I do not walk on a physical earth. I do not live in a physical form. I am not confined to the world concept of time and space. I am free. I am that Self which is limitless, that lives only in the infinite universe as the Infinite expressing. I am not mortal. I am not physical. I am Spirit Itself, and at this moment I am being what I am. ‘I am launching out into the deep,’ into the Infinite. I am accepting identity as Infinite being – not just Spirit, but I am accepting that what Spirit is, I am and, therefore, I am infinite Spirit. And now I am resting in my infinite, spiritual Self as pure Consciousness. I have nothing to do with a physical universe.” That is your meditation. That is your vacation from the human mind. That is your momentary breaking of the hypnosis and awakening from the sleep. Just to be yourself for a moment or two and to find from it the strange and glorious quickening of the Spirit for you are multiplying the Father within yourself. As long as you think of a room, persons, place, you have not ‘launched out into the deep.’ But if you can glimpse the infinity of being without physical walls, without any confining space or time, you are free for that moment of universal mind. You have broken through. You are walking in the Kingdom of heaven on earth, and your reward is great, and quick.
~ Herb Fitch