Don’t keep returning HF

Suppose you have now proved it out enough that you could look at anyone and know this is true of them too. They’re suffering with a false Pilate. They are suffering with a claim because they do not know that there is no claim in their Self. They’re not living in their Self. What do I have to do for them? But only their Self is there. That self which they think they are, isn’t there. The Spirit made no dictators. The Spirit doesn’t permit killing. The Spirit doesn’t permit diseases. All that was made was made by the Spirit. Then what is this? This false self has a false claim. Don’t get rid of the false claim; get rid of the false self. How do you get rid of it? You know who is there. The Self of God which is your Self is there. And that’s what you do every time you are faced with a claim from another individual. Don’t get rid of their claim; see them as they are; they are not there. The invisible Spirit of God which is their Self and your Self is there and you don’t have to get rid of the false self or the false claim; they are not there. The only Self that is there, is there, and it has no claim and rest in that Word. That resting is saying to Pilate, “Thou couldst have no power over me;” even though you think you are going to going to crucify me. And if Pilate had said to him that Pilate had a sore throat or Pilate had a bad heart, he could have known there was no Pilate there to have a sore throat or a bad heart but he could only know it because he knew who was there. His invisible Spirit, the Spirit of God was there. And this is the truth that you and I must learn to face. ■■Day in and day out we’ll come again to the same problem in a different form, or shape, or name. Always because we are putting false persons, false selves, where only the Invisible Spirit of God can be.■
~Herb Fitch
The Special Seven Series