No sickness, no healing KF

When I taught the series entitled: Living Out of Your Spiritual Resources I often remarked that I had never been sick a day in my life. Of course, all who were in attendance knew my history of illness and surgeries. However, one of my greatest realizations at the time of going through these so-called physical ailments was that, “I AM Spirit/Christ and how could Christ ever be sick”. We must realize that if we are not mortal but only APPEAR mortal, that there can be no such thing as sickness and consequently, no such thing as healing as we have been taught. As I began to look at this more closely during this time and I realized that we merely APPEAR to be mortal, but are truly spirit through and through; I then realized that healing only appears and ‘feels’ as though it is taking place, when in reality we are merely experiencing WHO WE ARE AS SPIRIT! Mortality is merely an appearance with no power whatsoever. The problem has been that religion has taken away the ‘key of knowledge’ by not showing people the reality of turning within and beholding that which they have always been, which has caused much needless suffering in the world. The greatest need today is for people to wake up to their true spiritual identity and realize that they are not mortal, corruptible, finite or fleshly—they are spirit through and through. Kay Fairchild